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Legacy Society Spotlight: Lenee Kruse and Jay Robaidek Family

Capitol Lakes Foundation

Lenee is the Director of the Capitol Lakes Foundation and has worked here since 2017. Here is why Lenee and her family decided to join the Legacy Society::

When I first came to Capitol Lakes as the Foundation’s Director I didn’t foresee how important this community would become to me personally. I feel privileged and truly blessed to work alongside so many talented residents, staff, family members, and volunteers who are committed to enhancing the living experience for those who live and work here. Joining the Legacy Society is one way me and my family can say thank you, but also do our part to lift up all those who will come after us.

Legacy Society Members have made a commitment to the future of Capitol Lakes by including the Foundation in their estate plans. If you’re interested in learning more or if you would like to join the Legacy Society please contact Foundation Director, Lenee Kruse, at 608-283-2013 or by email at You can also fill out an Intention of Planned Giving form here.

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