We are pleased to offer daily special events during National Skilled Nursing Care Week to show kindness to our residents, patients, and staff. We invite you to join by emailing lkruse@retirement.org or support us by making a donation here. And keep your eye on our Facebook page for photos and updates!
Monday, May 15th ~ Garden planting on Health Center patio*
Tuesday, May 16th ~ Ice Cream Day!
Chocolate Shoppe ice cream truck for staff and ice cream cart for residents
Wednesday, May 17th ~ Spa day for Health Center and Assisted Living residents
Rickshaw rides for Assisted Living residents*
Live concert in Health Center Auditorium
Thursday, May 18th ~ Ping Pong for staff in Sun Room between 10am - 2pm
Bingo party for residents
Friday, May 19th ~ End of week party for residents, staff, and supporters

*Weather permitting