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Capitol Lakes Foundation

Capitol Lakes Residents Volunteer to Help Kids in Dane County

Updated: Jun 25

Your Capitol Lakes Foundation is always looking for opportunities to benefit our residents while reaching out as good neighbors to our larger community. That’s why we were so excited to host RSVP Dane County in Capitol Lakes’ Grand Hall in October 2022.

Representatives from RSVP, or Retired Senior Volunteer Program, came to Capitol Lakes to share information on their Computer Buddy program. This opportunity brings generations together by pairing an older adult volunteer with an elementary school student for a pen pal relationship – with a modern twist. Instead of mailing letters, volunteers and students communicate via a computer app. And while the medium may be different, the benefits of the correspondence stand the test of time. Not only is it a great way for students to improve their writing skills, but volunteers and students report that it’s fun to get to know each other and rewarding to create relationships with someone from a different generation.

Four Capitol Lakes residents will become writing buddies to nine elementary school students beginning in January. We are grateful to our residents for volunteering their time and to RSVP Dane County for organizing such a worthwhile program. If you’re interested in getting involved for a future semester please contact Capitol Lakes Foundation Director, Lenee Kruse, at for additional information.

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